Category Archives: Canine Rehabilitation

CanineTech Laser Therapy for Dogs

Laser_TreatmentLaser Phototherapy, Low Level Laser Therapy or cold laser is phototherapy involving the application of monochromatic and coherent light to injuries and lesions to stimulate the healing process. It is used to increase the speed, quality and tensile strength of tissue repair, decrease inflammation and decrease pain. Laser can treat many common disorders, acute or chronic, or can be used for acupuncture point stimulation. It can be used to treat muscle, tendon, ligament, connective tissue, bone and skin tissue.

Laser can be used in rehabilitation for large and small animals, and for both performance and companion animals. It is used for treatment of animal athletes due to the shorter recovery and thus decreased time away from sport. It can even be used on competition days for performance animals.

Laser is effective in treating: sprains and strains, wounds and abrasions, haematomas, ligament and tendon injuries, bowed tendon, acute and chronic inflammation, joint injuries, myofascial trigger points, pain points, deep-tissue and superficial acupuncture points, acute and chronic pain, non-union and small-bone fractures, mucous membranes, and post-surgical wounds.

Low Level Lasers are handheld devices that are about the size of a flashlight. The laser is placed directly over the injured area for 20-180 seconds. Depending on the size of the injured area, the laser may have to be applied 2-6 times in one treatment to cover the injured area. During the treatment time, the non-thermal photons of light emitted from the laser pass through the layers of the skin penetrating to depths of 3-4cm depending on the wavelength used. Low Level Lasers have a photochemical effect similar to photosynthesis in plants. The light is absorbed by the cells and interacts with light sensitive areas, which increases intracellular metabolism and converts usable energy into normalizing damaged or injured tissue, reducing pain, inflammation and swelling, and decreasing healing time. The laser increases blood flow to the area increasing oxygenation and bringing cells to aid in the healing process. The increased blood flow also helps clear inflammatory cells, fluids and debris from the area.

The frequency of treatment is based on the type and stage of the injury or the condition being treated and how often the animal can attend treatment. Usually during the acute phase of healing the treatment is more often, but during the chronic and rehabilitation phases the treatment frequency is decreased.

There are only a couple of considerations of safety with laser treatment. Lasers are potentially harmful to the eye, but it is highly unlikely especially with the use of safety glasses. Also, there is a potential for discomfort or a minor burn at the site of treatment when used on dark-skinned or dark-haired animals. This is avoided with a change in the duty cycle of the probe to 50% reducing the average power of the light beam and minimizing the risk of minor burns or discomfort.

Laser is safe and non-invasive, offering quick relief from inflammation and pain, as well increase healing for both acute and chronic injuries for your competitive or companion animals.

Canine Rehabilitation at CanineTech Rehab

IMG_1834Has your dog had an accident or trauma that is limiting movement or causing pain? Has your dog had recent surgery? Could the function or performance of your dog be improved? Does your dog perform in competitive activities requiring strength and endurance? Have you noticed your dog is sore when you pet or brush him/her? Has your dog developed weakness? Is your dog getting older and has age related changes? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then your dog would benefit from canine rehabilitation.

CanineTech Rehab is a division of BodyTech Physiotherapy. It is a referring practice for veterinary clinics providing physical rehabilitation services for canines offered to you by an animal rehab trained, registered physiotherapist. Dogs suffer from similar injuries as their owners and thus are being offered expert treatment for conditions causing pain and dysfunction.

What is Canine Rehabilition? It is physiotherapy assessment and treatment techniques applied to the canine patient. Physiotherapy helps to restore, maintain and maximize strength, function, movement and overall well-being through examination, evaluation, diagnosis and physical intervention.

Our animal rehab trained physiotherapist has over 10 years of experience as a human physiotherapist.  She has undergone extensive, advanced level post-graduate training to enhance her physiotherapy education, assessment and treatment skills. She has completed the introduction and advanced courses for canine rehabilitation and is working towards her Diploma in Canine Rehabilitation.

Canine rehabilitation has been growing in popularity and recognition with a variety of individuals providing these services to the public. The Animal Rehab Dvision (ARD) of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA) has been advocating for registered physiotherapists to be the professionals of choice to provide animal rehabilitation. Physiotherapists are specifically trained in hands on techniques such as mobilizations that can help to reduce pain and improve mobility.  They have in-depth knowledge of how the joints and muscles work, thus being able to prescribe the appropriate exercises and treatment plan.

What is manual therapy? It is physiotherapy in which a physiotherapist uses their hands to mobilize (specific technique to improve movement) the joints to reduce stiffness, relieve pain, increase movement and restore function. These techniques also include treating the soft tissue to improve length and strength, as well as a specific exercise program developed for your dog’s individual needs. Manual therapy is important post-surgical, post-fracture, post-immobilization or for arthritic joints, allowing the dog to regain pre-injury mobility and function.

At CanineTech Rehab our approach to canine rehab follows the same principles we apply to human physiotherapy at BodyTech Physiotherapy.  The assessment of your dog will focus on identifying the underlying cause and contributing factors to their injury or condition. This approach will enable us to treat your dog in the most effective way. Appropriate exercises, manual therapy and modalities will be combined to improve the course of your dog’s recovery. Ongoing communication and cooperation with you and your veterinarian will ensure the best care possible.

Our mission at CanineTech Rehab is to improve the quality of rehabilitative care for our human companions, our dogs. We provide high quality, advanced manual therapy care for your dog using the knowledge and skills of a certified Canine Rehab therapist.
